We've had a cracking start to the year with lots of brainstorming, fresh talent, and innovative product developments to ensure we can offer our customers the best service possible. 

Here's a brief overview of some of our key moments so far this year:

  • We kicked off the year with our annual employee launch day, an event filled with productive brainstorming sessions, training and fun to prepare us for the year ahead!
  • We visited the JCB World Headquarters for their 2024 Supplier Engagement Day, a fantastic opportunity which provided valuable insights into the industry. 
  • We improved our quality processes by implementing fresh quality objectives and an improved PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) planning tool. 
  • We launched three exciting new products - The V80 Series Minibar, the Activvate Switch Pack and our Blade Series LED Headlights.
  • To improve our efficiency we restructured our Operations team, better utilising our skills and experience.
  • We welcomed three new team members to our team, bringing fresh new perspectives and ideas.
  • To recognise our Product Development team's hard work, we treated them to a fun day out making their own chocolate at a chocolate factory!

Thank you to everyone who helped us make Q1 a huge success! We have many more exciting plans for the remainder of the year, so check our website regularly for the latest updates and new product launches.

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