We had a fantastic week supporting Road Safety Week, the UK’s biggest road safety event run by Brake, the Road Safety Charity.

Brake work to create a world with safe and healthy mobility for all. They campaign for change and support road crash victims and the professionals that care for them.

It’s a shocking fact that every 20 minutes someone is killed or seriously injured on UK roads. As a UK automotive lighting manufacturer, road safety is a topic very close to our hearts and we were very excited to be raising awareness and money for this brilliant cause.

We began the week with a Road Safe-Tee Day - a dress down day where staff paid a small amount to wear the brightest clothes they owned! This was a reminder to drivers to look out for pedestrians who are often some of the most vulnerable users on the road.

We also held a cake sale as part of Bake for Brake, an excellent excuse to eat lots of cake! Staff supplied an excellent variety of handmade cakes and desserts which were thoroughly enjoyed throughout the office.

To finish the week’s fundraising activities, we held a Guess the Sweets in the Jar competition. The winner with the closest guess won the entire jar of sweets!

All money raised throughout the week was donated to Brake, the Road Safety Charity.

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