Have you seen the GyroLED all-LED beacon? This is arguably the best LED beacon available in the UK…GyroLED is a beautifully engineered, compact beacon that is the first rotating LED beacon to achieve the prestigious R65 approval for light output. This has been achieved with clever use of reflectors and fresnel optics, coupled with high power, latest generation LEDs. GyroLED is also available as a double-flash version.

As this product is really in a league of its own in terms of performance and quality we have decided to take our testing an extra step. We have had this product speed tested by TÜV up to 156mph coupled with an emergency stop test from 100mph…just to give our customers the perfect assurance that this is one magnetic mount product that isn’t going to go bouncing down your roof at high speeds!! This unit truly is use friendly as it is small enough to store neatly in the vehicle glovebox when not in use, and can be applied with one hand to the vehicle roof when required.


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